
In this area of the website we want to give you information about the topics of research. There are three major topics at the institute.

Video Coding

In the area of video coding efficient algorithms are developed for e.g. scalable or error resilient coding of video signals. Beside transmission over arbitrary networks we consider also coding of high resolution videos.
Another topic is signal decimation and interpolation considering motion and resolution artifacts and the optimization of frequency analysis for coding and signal detection.

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Point Cloud Coding

Point cloud coding describes the application of efficient algorithms for compression of point cloud data. The goal is to remove irrelevant or redundant content, in order to save the greatest possible data rate, whilst maintaining the best possible quality.

Main focus at the institute's work lies on signal interpolation between consecutive point cloud frames based on graph theory as well as the application of neural networks for efficient presentation (non-linear transforms) of single point cloud blocks.

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